Latest major update on 29/07/2024          En EspaƱol  Search     Site map

Recent updates:

New version 3.1 build 766 of VQLog 29-Jul-2024


New version of  the VE7BQH 50, 144 & 432 MHz antenna comparison tables 6-Jul-2024
New personal blog 5-Jun-2024
Animated 144 MHz sporadic-E maps 2024 are available 17-May-2024
144 MHz EME calendar 2024 23-Dic-2023
New version of  the VE7BQH 50, 144 & 432 MHz antenna comparison tables 18-Nov-2023
New version 3.1 build 717 of VQLog 11-Sep-2023
New version 2.14 of the WSJT DX Aggregator 7-Sep-2023
Animated 144 MHz sporadic-E maps 2023 are available 9-May-2023
New version 3.1 build 708 of VQLog 9-Apr-2023
New version of  the VE7BQH 50, 144 & 432 MHz antenna comparison tables 6-Feb-2023
New version 3.1 build 704 of VQLog 2-Feb-2023

Do you have a directional antenna, a 2m SSB transceiver with 50 W output and a PC?

If your answer is YES then, believe it or not, you are capable of making a QSO with EA6VQ (and other stations) using the Moon as a reflector. Click here to know how.


On-line database of callsigns and locators RSS Feeds (Site updates and news)
Real time QSO and propagation maps New VQLog 3.1 available !!!
EME (Moonbounce) calculator EA6VQ EME calendar
HF & VHF news and calendar database Some words about myself
DX Atlas based in OpenStreet Maps My computer programs
The DXCC spreadsheet  Humour, jokes....
VE7BQH antenna charts: 144 MHz    50 MHz Join DXMAPS.COM site Mailing List ! 
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JT65B. A beginners guide to EME Add this site to your favourites
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